
Pursuant to the provisions of the Italian Professional Law and the Italian Bar Rules, we would like to provide the visitors of our website (the “Website“) with the following information.

The exclusive owner of this Website is the cooperation under the brand RAMPF&EICHNER, with its main offices in: a) 00127 Rome (Italy), Via Roberto Raviola 32, Tel. +39 348 2513934, E., PEC; b) 85604 Zorneding (Germany), Zeichingerweg 2, Tel. +49 (0) 176 2432 2935, Fax +49 (0) 8106 3755181, E-mail (“RAMPF/EICHNER”), represented by Avv. RA Marco Rampf (“Avv. RA Rampf“) and Avv. RAin Dr. Susanna Eichner (“Avv. RAin Dr. Eichner”).

Avv. Rampf is an Italian lawyer (Avvocato) enrolled with the Roman Bar Association as of October 12, 2006 under member ID no. A34538. Avv. RA Rampf’s VIES VAT no. is IT07865501006. As of May 21, 2015, Avv. RA Rampf is also enrolled as a German lawyer (Rechtsanwalt) with the Munich Bar Association under member ID no. 42901 and domiciled in Munich (Germany) c/o Avv. RAin Dr. Susanna Eichner, with office in 85604 Zorneding (Germany), Zeichingerweg 2, Tel. +49 (0) 176 2432 2935, Fax +49 (0) 8106 3755181, E-mail

As of September 9, 2019, Avv. RA Rampf has his professional insurance with Lloyd’s Insurance Company S.A. and as of May 13, 2015, with R+V Allgemeine Versicherung AG (Germany). Hereinafter we report the most important informations about each of the two aforementioned professional insurance policies.

Italy: The professional insurance policy made with Lloyd’s Insurance Company S.A. (No. DY049240-LB) is valid as of September 9, 2019 and currently covers a professional liability up to a maximum insured amount of Euro 1.000.000,00 (one million Euro) per year.

Germany: The professional insurance policy “Vermögensschaden-Haftpflicht für Rechtsanwälte” (No. 200 84 343718993) is valid as of May 21, 2015 and made in compliance with § 51 BRAO (the German Lawyer). The maximum insured amount for damages to third parties arising out of the professional activity is equal to 250.000,00 Euro (two-hundred and fifty-thousand Euro) for each case, with an annual maximum cap of 1.000.000,00 Euro (1 million Euro) according to § 51 IV BRAO (the German Lawyer).

Avv. Eichner is an Italian lawyer (Avvocato) enrolled with the Roman Bar Association as of April 13, 2017 under member ID no. A… and domiciled in Rome (Italy) c/o Avv. RA Marco Rampf, with office in 00127 Rome (Italy), Via Roberto Raviola 32, Tel. +39 348 2513934, E., PEC Avv. Dr. Eichner’s VIES VAT no. is …. As of … Avv. RAin Dr. Susanna Eichner is also enrolled as a German lawyer (Rechtsanwältin) with the Munich Bar Association under member ID no. ….

As of …, Avv. RAin Dr. Eichner has her professional insurance with … and as of …, with R+V Allgemeine Versicherung AG (Germany). Hereinafter we report the most important informations about each of the two aforementioned professional insurance policies.

Italy: The professional insurance policy made with … (No. …) is valid as of … and currently covers a professional liability up to a maximum insured amount of Euro …,00 (… Euro) per year.

Germany: The professional insurance policy “Vermögensschaden-Haftpflicht für Rechtsanwälte” (No. …) is valid as of … and made in compliance with § 51 BRAO (the German Lawyer). The maximum insured amount for damages to third parties arising out of the professional activity is equal to 250.000,00 Euro (two-hundred and fifty-thousand Euro) for each case, with an annual maximum cap of 1.000.000,00 Euro (1 million Euro) according to § 51 IV BRAO (the German Lawyer).

The above information are provided for also in compliance with § 5 of the German Telemediengesetz.

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